Number of the day:

21/04/2020 18:53

After almost a year of use by hundreds of MFIs worldwide, Microfact team has consolidated all the suggestions for the improvement of Microvision and decided to release this current version 16.1. Among many new features in this version, the most important are:

- Additional repayment frequency options

- Compatibility with the newest MFI Factsheet 4.3

- Automatic import of previous Microvision version

- Possibility to choose a depreciation rate for each fixed investment

- New layout of the Other Costs sheet with 3 different options to enter operational costs

- Possibility to choose between 2 bonus calculation options

- Possibility to give personalized name of your scenario’s

- Additional consistent checks to better control number of active clients, borrowers and depositors.


We hope you will enjoy this brand new version! Download it here. 

Please share with us your Microvision experience!



microfact is a joint initiative of


Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have put on hold all our workshops. We will keep you posted on any further developments. Stay safe and healthy!

KPIs / Microvision (MV) - Microfinance:



 * MV: Peru

* Zimbabwe

* Malawi


KPIs: Impact Insurance Academy (Turin) - 29.06-03.07.2020


Muntstraat 1
3000 Leuven

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