Microfact Call for Factsheets - apply today!

10/02/2018 22:19

As a means to provide even better support to local trainers and enable them to offer continued support to the financial institutions, Microfact proposes the new Microfact Call for Factsheets.


Through this initiative, Microfact wants to encourage trainers to actively look for the opportunities to organize workshops and conduct follow-ups with the Microfinance and Microinsurance Institutions afterwards.   

20 trainers, who have successfully organized and conducted a Microfact workshop in 2018 in line with the commitments of the Trainers Habilitation Letter and provided Microfact Coordinators with the required documents, will be rewarded with a Microfact grant.

Questions about the application form or the selection process should be directed to the Microfact Coordinators: jarek.chuchla@brs.coop and m.zambrano@ada-microfinance.lu



microfact is a joint initiative of


Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have put on hold all our workshops. We will keep you posted on any further developments. Stay safe and healthy!

KPIs / Microvision (MV) - Microfinance:



 * MV: Peru

* Zimbabwe

* Malawi


KPIs: Impact Insurance Academy (Turin) - 29.06-03.07.2020


Muntstraat 1
3000 Leuven

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