Microfact aims to strengthen the performance of Microfinance and Microinsurance Institutions through the use of tools (Microfinance Tools and Microinsurance Tools) and workshops (Microfinance Workshops and Microinsurance Workshops). 


  • 13/12/2018 10:27

    Call for Factsheets 2018 - Less than a month left to apply!

    Through this initiative, Microfact wants to encourage our trainers to support MFIs in filling out the Factsheets and interpreting of the data correctly in order to optimize the use of the tools in microfinance and microinsurance.

    Therefore, Microfact calls all trainers who have successfully conducted a Microfact workshop in 2018 in line with the commitments of the Trainers Habilitation Letter to provide to the Microfact Coordinators the required documents in order to obtain the Microfact grant.


    Requests for the application form for the “Call for Factsheets” or any questions on the initiative should be directed to the Microfact Coordinators: and

  • 06/11/2018 09:34

    Pilot Microvision training going on in Leuven!

















  • 03/10/2018 11:03

    Microfact in Tanzania: Interview with Esther Nkambwe from TAMFI

    Mid-September, TAMFI (Tanzanian Association for Microfinance Institutions) supported the organization of 2 Microfact workshops (Training of the Trainers and KPIs for Microfinace Institutions). Esther Nkambwe, TAMFI's Programme Officer, was one of the successful candidate trainers. She is now part of our trainers community. Read her testimony about microfinance sector in Tanzania. 

    # Karibu Esther #Microfact trainers comunity #MicrofactLinkedIn

    1. What is TAMFI role in Microfinance sector in Tanzania? What are the challenges of the sector?

    Tanzania Association of Microfinance Institutions (TAMFI) is an umbrella organization which works to promote unity and collaboration among microfinance institutions and other key players of the sector in the country. As from 2001 the association seeks to develop capability of microfinance institutions and the microfinance sector in general through advocacy, lobbying, research and development, promotion of responsible microfinance, capacity building, information gathering and dissemination. The sector is facing a number of challenges that include inadequate working capital of microfinance Institutions, weak institutional and professional capacity, poor capacity to develop Management Information System (MIS), and an environment which lacks legal and regulatory framework.

    2. What will be the added value of the Microfact for the MFI’S operations in Tanzania?

    MFIs in Tanzania will be in a position to analyze and monitor their Financial and Social performance through the use of MFI Factsheet and MFI Factsheets Compiler. Poorly performing institutions are likely to benefit most, as the MFI Factsheet will enable them to identify their operational and financial weaknesses. They will be able to interpret the results and take the right decisions to manage their operations and define their strategy.

    3. What are the expectation of TAMFI after organizing the TOT and the KPIs workshop?

    National Microfinance Policy says that there is inadequate data of microfinance services providers. In other words, there is insufficient information, on how MFIs are performing in Tanzania.

    In this regard, TOT and KPIs workshop of Microfact enabled the microfinance industry in Tanzania to have trainers, who can sensitize, support, coach and mentor MFIs in using the MFI Factsheet. As from now, TAMFI will be able to gather, analyze and compile key performance indicators of its members. And MFIS will be able to attract national and international investment funders thanks to more transparency on key performance indicators data.

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Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have put on hold all our workshops. We will keep you posted on any further developments. Stay safe and healthy!

KPIs / Microvision (MV) - Microfinance:



 * MV: Peru

* Zimbabwe

* Malawi


KPIs: Impact Insurance Academy (Turin) - 29.06-03.07.2020


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