Factsheet BCEAO : a version of the MFI Factsheet, developed for the BCEAO countries

05/07/2016 16:48

The Factsheet BCEAO is a version of the MFI Factsheet 4.1, developed on the MFI sector request from the BCEAO countries. Factsheet BCEAO beside the 7 visible and a number of hidden sheets which are known from the MFI Factsheet, has been enriched with 4 fully BCEAO dedicated sheets. In one click you can import all financial data into the format required by BCEAO!

All sheets together provide an easy to use tool for monitoring the financial and social performance of an MFI, consisting of tables and graphs.

Following are the 11 visible sheets in the Factsheet BCEAO:

  1. Identification sheet
  2. Balance Sheet
  3. Profit & Loss
  4. Extras
  5. Performance Indicators
  6. Financial Graphs
  7. Social Graphs
  8. Data BCEAO
  9. BCEAO Prudential ratios
  10. BCEAO Financial indicators
  11. BCEAO Other indicators


Download here Factsheet BCEAO – a version of the MFI Factsheet 4.1 which has been developed for the BCEAO countries !



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KPIs / Microvision (MV) - Microfinance:



 * MV: Peru

* Zimbabwe

* Malawi


KPIs: Impact Insurance Academy (Turin) - 29.06-03.07.2020


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3000 Leuven

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